46 research outputs found

    Efficient Hybrid Continuous-Time/Discrete-Time Cascade Modulators for Wideband Applications

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    This paper analyses the use of hybrid continuous-time/discrete-time cascade ΣΔ modulators for the implementation of power-efficient analog-to-digital converters in broadband wireless communication systems. Two alternative implementations of multi-rate cascade architectures are studied and compared with conventional single-rate continuous-time topologies, taking into account the impact of main circuit-level error mechanisms, namely: mismatch, finite dc gain and gain-bandwidth product. In all cases, closed-form design equations are derived for the nonideal in-band noise power of all ΣΔ modulators under study, providing analytical relationships between their system-level performance and the corresponding circuit-level error parameters. Theoretical predictions match simulation results, showing that the lowest performance degradation is obtained by a new kind of multi-rate hybrid ΣΔ modulator, in which the front-end (continuous-time) stage operates at a higher rate than the back-end (discrete-time) stages. As a case study, the design of a hybrid GmC/switched-capacitor fourth-order (two-stage, 4-bit) cascade ΣΔ modulator is discussed to illustrate the potential benefits of the presented approachMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2010-14825/MI

    A novel low-voltage reconfigurable ΣΔ modulator for 4G wireless receivers

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    This paper presents a new adaptable cascade ΣΔ modulator architecture fo r low-voltage multi-stan- dard applications. It uses two reconfiguration strategies: a programmable global resonation and a variable loop-filter order. These techniques are properly com- bined in a novel topology that allows to increase the effec- tive resolution in a given bandwidth, whereas keeping relaxed output swing requirements and high robustness to mismatch and to non-linearities of the amplifiers. Time-domain simulations incl uding the main circuit-level non-idealities are shown to demonstrate the benefits of the presented modulator when it is configured to cope with the requirements of GSM, UMTS, WLAN and Wi-Max.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-67247-C02-01/MICEspaña, Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía TIC-253

    Design issues and experimental characterization of a continuously-tuned adaptive CMOS LNA

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    This paper presents the design implementation and experimental characterization of an adaptive Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) intended for multi-standard Radio Frequency (RF) wireless transceivers. The circuit —fabricated in a 90-nm CMOS technology— is a two-stage inductively degenerated common-source topology that combines PMOS varactors with programmable load to make the operation of the circuit continuously tunable. Practical design issues are analyzed, considering the effect of circuit parasitics associated to the chip package and integrated inductors, capacitors and varactors. Experimental measurements show a continuous tuning of NF and Sparameters within the 1.75-2.23GHz band, featuring NF19.6dB and IIP3> −9.8dBm, with a power dissipation < 23mW from a 1-V supply voltage.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (FEDER) TEC2007-67247-C02-01/MICJunta de Andalucía, Consejo Regional de Innovación, ciencia y empresa TIC-253

    Overview of carbon-based circuits and systems

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    This paper presents an overview of the state of the art on carbon-based circuits and systems made up of carbon nanotubes and graphene transistors. A tutorial description of the most important devices and their potential benefits and limitations is given, trying to identify their suitability to implement analog and digital circuits and systems. Main electrical models reported so far for the design of carbon-based field-effect devices are surveyed, and the main sizing parameters required to implement such devices in practical integrated circuits are analyzed. The solutions proposed by cutting-edge integrated circuits and devices are discussed, identifying current trends, challenges and opportunities for the circuits and systems community1

    Simulation-based high-level synthesis of Nyquist-rate data converters using MATLAB/SIMULINK

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    This paper presents a toolbox for the simulation, optimization and high-level synthesis of Nyquist-rate Analog-to-Digital (A/D) and Digital-to-Analog (D/A) Converters in MATLAB®. The embedded simulator uses SIMULINK® C-coded S-functions to model all required subcircuits including their main error mechanisms. This approach allows to drastically speed up the simulation CPU-time up to 2 orders of magnitude as compared with previous approaches - based on the use of SIMULINK® elementary blocks. Moreover, S-functions are more suitable for implementing a more detailed description of the circuit. For all subcircuits, the accuracy of the behavioral models has been verified by electrical simulation using HSPICE. For synthesis purposes, the simulator is used for performance evaluation and combined with an hybrid optimizer for design parameter selection. The optimizer combines adaptive statistical optimization algorithm inspired in simulated annealing with a design-oriented formulation of the cost function. It has been integrated in the MATLAB/SIMULINK® platform by using the MATLAB® engine library, so that the optimization core runs in background while MATLAB® acts as a computation engine. The implementation on the MATLAB® platform brings numerous advantages in terms of signal processing, high flexibility for tool expansion and simulation with other electronic subsystems. Additionally, the presented toolbox comprises a friendly graphical user interface to allow the designer to browse through all steps of the simulation, synthesis and post-processing of results. In order to illustrate the capabilities of the toolbox, a 0.13)im CMOS 12bit@80MS/s analog front-end for broadband power line communications, made up of a pipeline ADC and a current steering DAC, is synthesized and high-level sized. Different experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2003-02355RAICONI

    Multi-bit cascade ΣΔ modulator for high-speed A/D conversion with reduced sensitivity to DAC errors

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    This paper presents a ΣΔ modulator (ΣΔM) which combines single-bit and multi-bit quantization in a cascade architecture to obtain high resolution with low oversampling ratio. It is less sensitive to the non-linearity of the DAC than those previously reported, thus enabling the use of very simple analog circuitry with neither calibration nor trimming required.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC97-058

    Continuous-time cascaded ΣΔ modulators for VDSL: A comparative study

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    This paper describes new cascaded continuous-time ΣΔ modulators intended to cope with very high-rate digital subscriber line specifications, i.e 12-bit resolution within a 20-MHz signal bandwidth. These modulators have been synthesized using a new methodology that is based on the direct synthesis of the whole cascaded architecture in the continuous-time domain instead of using a discrete-to-continuous time transformation as has been done in previous approaches. This method allows to place the zeroes/poles of the loop-filter transfer function in an optimal way and to reduce the number of analog components, namely, transconductors and/or amplifiers, resistors, capacitors and digital-to-analog converters. This leads to more efficient topologies in terms of circuitry complexity, power consumption and robustness with respect to circuit non-idealities. A comparison study of the synthesized architectures is done considering their sensitivity to most critical circuit error mechanisms. Time-domain behavioral simulations are shown to validate the presented approach.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-01752/MI

    Design of an adaptive LNA for hand-held devices in a 1-V 90-nm standard RF CMOS technology: From circuit analysis to layout

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    This paper deals the design of a reconfigurable Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) for the next generation of wireless hand-held devices by using a lumped circuit approach based on physical laws. The purpose is not only to present simulation results showing the fulfillment of different standard specifications, but also to demonstrate that each design step has a physical meaning such that the mathematical design flow is simple as well as suitable for hand-work in both laboratory and classroom. The circuit under analysis, which is designed according to technological design rules of a 90nm CMOS technology, is a two-stage topology including inductive-source degeneration, MOS-varactor based tuning networks, and programmable bias currents. This proposal, with reduced number of inductors and minimum power dissipation, adapts its performance to different standard specifications; the LNA is designed to cope with the requirements of GSM (PCS1900), WCDMA, Bluetooth and WLAN (IEEE 802.11b-g). In order to evaluate the effect of technology parasitics on the LNA performance, simulation results demonstrate that the LNA features NF16dB, S11-3.3 dBm over the 1.85-2.48 GHz band. For all the standards under study the adaptive power consumption varies from 25.3 mW to 53.3mW at a power supply of 1-V. The layout of the reconfigurable LNA occupies an area of 1.8mm2.Este trabajo presenta el diseño de un amplificador de bajo ruido, LNA (del inglés Low‐Noise Amplifier) reconfigurable para la siguiente generación de dispositivos portátiles de comunicación inalámbricos, usando la aproximación de circuitos concentrados sustentada en leyes físicas. El propósito de este trabajo no es sólo presentar resultados de simulación que muestran el cumplimiento de especificaciones para cada estándar, sino también demostrar que cada paso de diseño tiene un significado físico haciendo que el procedimiento matemático de diseño sea simple y adecuado para el trabajo a mano tanto para actividades en laboratorio como en el aula. El circuito bajo análisis, diseñado en una tecnología CMOS 90nm, consta de dos etapas que incluyen degeneración inductiva de fuente, redes de entonado basadas en varactores MOS, y corrientes de polarización programables. Esta propuesta, con reducido número de inductores y mínima disipación de potencia, adapta su desempeño a las diversas especificaciones de cada estándar; el LNA se diseña para cubrir los requerimientos de GSM (PCS1900), WCDMA, Bluetooth y WLAN (IEEE 802.11b‐g). Para evaluar el efecto de las no idealidades de la tecnología en el desempeño del LNA, las simulaciones demuestran que el circuito cumple parámetros como NF16dB, S11‐3.3dBm en la banda 1.85‐ 2.48GHz. Para todos los estándares bajo estudio, el consumo adaptivo de potencia varía de 25.3 mW a 53.3mW usando una fuente de alimentación de 1‐V. El patrón geométrico del LNA reconfigurable consume un área de 1.8mm2

    Design of a power-efficient widely-programmable Gm-LC band-pass sigma-delta modulator for SDR

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a fourth-order band-pass continuous-time modulator intended for the digitization of radio-frequency signals in softwaredefined- radio applications. The modulator architecture consists of two Gm-LC resonators with a tunable notch frequency and a 4-bit flash analog-to-digital converter in the forward path and a non-return-to-zero digital-to-analog converter with a finiteimpulse- response filter in the feedback path. Both system-level and circuit-level reconfiguration techniques are included in order to allow the modulator to digitize signals placed at different carrier frequencies, from 450MHz to 950MHz. A proper synthesis methodology of the loop-filter coefficients at system level and the use of inverter-based switchable transconductors allow to optimize the performance in terms of robustness to circuit errors, stability and power consumption. The circuit, implemented in 65- nm CMOS, can digitise signals with up to 57-dB SNDR within a 40-MHz bandwidth, with an adaptive power dissipation of 16.7- to-22.8 mW and a programmable 1.2/2GHz clock rate1

    Design of a 130-nm CMOS Reconfigurable Cascade ΣΔ Modulator for GSM/UMTS/Bluetooth

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    This paper reports a 130-nm CMOS programmable cascade ΣΔ modulator for multistandard wireless terminals, covering three standards: GSM, Bluetooth and UMTS. The modulator is reconfigured at both architecture- and circuitlevel in order to adapt its performance to the different standard specifications with optimized power consumption. The design of the building blocks is based upon a top-down CAD methodology that combines simulation and statistical optimization at different levels of the system hierarchy. Transistor-level simulations show correct operation for all standards, featuring 13-bit, 11.3-bit and 9-bit effective resolution within 200-kHz, 1-MHz and 4-MHz bandwidth, respectively.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-01752/MI